Certified Professional Coach - Part 1a - Foundation in English
The Certified Professional Coach part 1a course is a 2 day coach training program which is part of our accredited ICF (ACTP), Post-HBO and NOBCO/EMCC (EQA) coach training program. TheĀ Internationale Coach Federation (ICF) is the largest coach organisation around the world, specialized in the golden standards of the coaching profession. The European Mentoring & Coaching Council (EMCC) increases the development of the coachprofession. With their EQA accredited programs the anchor the quality ofĀ the coach profession in Europe. We are very proud to be the only coach training organiations which have both the ACTP and the EQA accreditation on our Certified Professional Coach program.
Nowadays, professional coaching is indispensable. It is a skill that can be learned step by step. With a lot of practice, sparring with other participants, reflection on own behavior and skills, practice hours, observations, mentoring hours, literature study and peer review. The Certified Professional Coach program consists of several parts. The first 2 day part is this CPC-1a course.
Our approach is experiential. Personal experiences are discussed in the form of case studies and provided with reflection. The theory / practice ratio in our study program is 20/ 80 percent. At home, read, study and practice as much as you like.
The group is trained on the basis of coaching principles such as:
- awareness
- insight
- take responsibility and share
- equivalence
- result orientation
The participants are expected to systematically reflect on their learning experiences in a logbook.
CPC-1a concerns a more exploratory module in which the basic notions and competences of the coach are discussed. Certification takes place by means of observations during the training and a small portfolio with reflections on 2 practical coach conversations and one book reflection.
With a succesfull completion you will receive a EQA diploma at Foundation level. With your diploma and sufficient hours you will be certified as a qualified coach at Foundation level at the NOBCO / EMCC.
In short:
- You conduct professional coaching sessions.
- You coach on the basis of awareness and taking personal responsibility by the coachee.
- You coach result-oriented within the context of work and labor.
- You develop people.
- You meet the training requirements for accreditation at the Foundation level of the NOBCO / EMCC.
- You can enter the CPC 1b program in which you can achieve full accreditation at ACC / Practitioner level.
Note: This course is only for In Company, not individuals!
For everyone who sees professional coaching as an important part of his or her task:
- managers, directors
- staff and P&O officers
- trainers and teachers
- coaches and mentors
- consultants
- health and safety- and reintegration supervisors
- You have the abilty to practice in your own environment with several coachees.
- You discuss possible hazards which could be a risk in completing the course succesfully.
After you have registered for this training, you will be invited for an intake. During the intake we will explore your future situation and focus on learning and developing issues based on the cometences of the professional coach. Possible hazards and risks will be discussed, which could have an impact on completing the course.
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- Accredited by Nobco/EMCC
- Small Groups (max 12 students)
- Practical and experience oriented

Professional Coach Week

Deel 1 - ACC / Practitioner