
For your personal and professional development
We believe that the field of coaching forms the basis for result-oriented development. Whether it concerns strengthening individuals, teams or organizations, coaching ensures that there is movement – “a step forward”. As Associatie voor Coaching, we therefore want to be the place where people with an interest in the coaching profession as a coaching or leadership style find inspiration, knowledge and skills with regard to the field of coaching.
Coaching is an integral part of our current organizations. Today’s employees have a good education, are empowered and want to influence the way they want to do the work. This development keeps pace with managers’ desire for employees to take more responsibility for their own work. In that sense, the development of coaching is something to be happy about.
In our training portal we offer various accredited coach courses that meet the highest international standards of the moment. In addition to long courses, we also offer short one-day and multi-day programs related to your development as a coach!

Click on the box and read reviews from participants of our courses here!!

Visie op coaching
Wanneer wij het over coaching hebben dan is dat vanuit een gedachte van evenwaardigheid.

Coaching als managementstijl
Coaching is een managementstijl die appelleert aan initiatief, creativiteit en autonomie