Experienced people  

The team at the Association for Coaching is comprised of enthusiastic, motivated people with a passion for their profession. The trainer-coaches themselves have extensive experience and understand what drives you. They have gained this experience in the business world, education, government, banks, or the non-profit sector. Through their practical experience as trainer-coaches, they have the knowledge and expertise to optimally support you. All trainers and coaches are accredited at a minimum Professional Certified Coach (PCC) level by the International Coach Federation (ICF) or at a minimum Senior Practitioner level by NOBCO/EMCC. It goes without saying that we are constantly working on improving our training and coaching skills. Additionally, our team of back-office staff is always ready to assist you whenever needed.

Dirk Verhoeven | PCC | SP | ESIA
Ardie Nooijen-Kuijpers | MCC | SP | ESIA
Charles Ruiters | MCC | SP | ESIA

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